


The individual recently discovered that excessive exposure to blue light from computers and smartphones was causing persistent redness and swelling around their eyes, particularly during the dry winter season. Adopting nighttime mode settings and wearing blue light-filtering glasses have become their new practice to mitigate this issue, resulting in a perceptually sepia-tinted world. Previously attributing the symptoms to stress, they now consider blue light exposure to be the primary culprit, noting that wearing glasses to work not only conceals the swelling but actually prevents it—particularly relevant as drinking alcohol and unintentionally scratching while asleep exacerbates the condition. They've gained a newfound respect for the significant effects of blue light.

チビチビ ウトウト

The writer has been moderating their alcohol consumption in recent years, despite enjoying highballs. They tend to overdrink due to their self-imposed '3-drink rule' when diluting with soda. Now, they opt for a single drink on the rocks, noticing a lower alcohol tolerance and quicker intoxication.


Invited as a guest to a workplace gathering, a former member and now a manager after ten years felt the current work environment lacked the lively and unorthodox spirit of past days. Witnessing the event's energy and seeing dedicated employees, they realized this vibrancy was a hidden challenge to management to rekindle workplace enthusiasm.

ちょっと ぼやくな・・



The post reflects on making New Year's resolutions and reevaluating the concept of happiness after witnessing a recent earthquake. Despite feeling content, the author admits to still desiring more. The earthquake prompts a reconsideration of what defines happiness. The author realizes that contentment with the present may indeed be true happiness.


あけましておめでとうございます。今年もよろしくお願いしますーーー もうすでに嫌っちゅうほど、このくだり目にしたな。まぁ決まり文句なので、特段なんやかんや言うこともないけどね、みんなキチンと正月して、新年の誓いとか立ててんのか...